Classified is a small collection of pieces that embody the 
economic class structure in America and across the world. 

Each piece is filled with imagery that speaks to the characteristics of their respective social classes. 

In "Wealth & Splendor" the hand represents the power to orchestrate and command. Infused into it are pieces of U.S currency, gems, and a grape vine, which evokes the classic image of the master and servant. Despite already having all this, the hand is reaching out to another gem. No amount of wealth or power is ever enough.

"Smoke & Mirrors"  reflects the tendency of the middle class to mimic the wealthy standard of living. They think they can find fulfillment and purpose through the accumulation of technology, cars, and jewelry. This is engrained in them from childhood, but as the image shows it leads to nothing but agony. To reflect this, the images I used include a toy sports car and Monopoly money.

Those in the lower classes have to work incredibly hard to support themselves, often to the point of self-degradation. Often times these citizens work the least coveted jobs in factories and fields.  "Poverty & Travail" was made to reflect the environments they might find themselves in and the effect it has on who they are. Work becomes their identity and low wages leave them very little room to become someone distinct from their labor. 
I created these pieces using Adobe Photoshop CC, with the exception of the 3D gem, which was created in Maxon Cinema 4d. You can watch the full process for each of the pieces below. 

If you have any questions on any part, feel free to contact me!
Here are some extra pieces that came out of this project. 

First off is a little animation piece which was created using After Effects CC (Utilizing the assets from Photoshop and Cinema 4D.)

Next up is the full color version of "Wealth & Splendor" which has become one of my favorite pieces. 

Lastly is a rendering of a plexiglass print that will be available on my store. 

